Thursday, April 24, 2008

Episode #1611

8 Survivors on the island
THE GREEN TRIBE - Dabu - Alexis, Amanda, Cirie, Erik, James, Jason, Natalie, and Parvati
REWARD CHALLENGE: "Survivor Auction" -
- Everyone starts with $500 -
Alexis - $240 for a bowl of Fruit Bat Soup (that James eats); Natalie chooses Alexis to share the Chocolate Cake. (leaving her with $260)
Amanda - $280 for a glass of Milk and a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich. (leaving her with $220)
Cirie - $120 for a Hotdog and Fries with all the fixings; Natalie chooses Cirie to share the Chocolate Cake. (leaving her with $380)
Erik - $80 for a tray of Nachos; paid Cirie $40 to lick the chocolate icing off her fingers. (leaving him with $380)
James - James eats Alexis' bowl of Fruit Bat Soup. (leaving him with $500)
Jason - Natalie sends Jason to Exile Island, taking his $500. (leaving him with $0)
Natalie - $240 for the choice to send one person to Exile Island, keeping all of their money - [Jeff informs them that because Ozzy was voted out with the Immunity Idol, another one has been hidden on Exile Island.] - She chooses to send Jason, taking his $500; $340 for a Huge Chocolate Cake with a twist - it must be shared with 3 others and they only have 60 seconds to eat - She chooses Alexis, Cirie, and Parvati. (leaving her with $420)
Parvati - Natalie chooses Parvati to share the Chocolate Cake. (leaving her with $500)
Jason is sent to Exile Island during the "Survivor Auction." Jeff had informed them that because Ozzy was voted out with the Immunity Idol, another one has been hidden on Exile Island.
PRIZE - Individual Immunity
HOW DABU VOTED: Jason Voted Out -
Jason received 4 Votes from Amanda, Cirie, Erik, and Parvati
James received 3 Votes from Alexis, Natalie, and Jason
Parvati received 1 Vote from James
7 Survivors left on the island

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